Monday, October 29, 2012

Mac Mini, MIDI and monitorless use

Tonight was frustrating all around.  It totally sucks when your programming and the equipment is all set up correctly and then what appears to be an OS issue gets in the way.  We have a brand new Mac mini running OS 10.7x for driving installations.  Works great until we unplug the monitor.  Once that happens the MIDI stream freaks out, slows down or otherwise doesn't do its job.

After doing web searches and trying various attempts to "trick " the computer, I opted to take apart a cheap VGA flat screen so we can fit it in the security box.  A student show is being installed and failure is not an option.  How demoralizing would it be to get all that stuff in order and then be defeated so capriciously.  I am a firm believer in testing and making sure stuff works.  It is awful to walk into an interactive show and then not understand what is going on or to have the interactivity not function because of a computer crash etc.  Things must work!

So,   the immediate problem appears solved.  Now to find out a real solution.  I have posted to cycling74's forum and am crossing my fingers hoping an answer will be forthcoming.

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