Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Miditron and Potentiometer

Made some excellent progress this evening.  The Miditron PDF is pretty thorough and simple, this is why I couldn't quite figure why it wasn't performing the way I expected.  We had a photo-resistor in terminal one that I could only get to read in digital mode.  It just wouldn't give any information when set to analogue in.  I had assumed that this was because I didn't know the resistance of the component.  Tonight we had the photo cell in terminal one and a 100k ohm Pot in terminal 3.  Not working except in digital mode.  After re-reading the documentation we moved it to terminal 2 as the terminals must be used in sequence.  After this also failed, I reset the board to factory default.  Instantly we were getting analogue readings on terminal one.  When I switched it to digital and and term 2 to analogue, term two did not read.  The lesson is the terminals must be set to the same mode to function.

After this minor discovery, we were good.  With the pot functioning I threw together a quick patch allowing the control of ann audio files playback speed.

Here is the image of the patch used for making the sounds.  Super simple.  Had terminal two set to "control change"  and used that to control the playback speed of the file via an SfPlay object.

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